Orders may be placed by regular mail or e-mail
Beagle optics, UAB
Savanorių av. 235, LT-02300 Vilnius, Lithuania.
Phone: +370 680 45837
E-mail: info@beagleoptics.com
Company code: 306018517
VAT: LT100014794416
Delivery & Delays
Delivery dates noted on the Order Confirmation are subject to reasonable adjustment. The acceptance of shipment by a common carrier or by any licensed public truckman shall constitute proper delivery.
In case Beamera is unable to deliver ordered goods in time, Beamera shall notify buyer of this and at the same time, if possible, provide buyer with information on expected delivery date.
Beamera shall not be responsible for any loss suffered by buyer, including loss on operations, loss of profits or other indirect losses as a result of the delay in delivery, and consequently Beamera shall not compensate buyer for any of such loss.
All products are guaranteed to be free from defects. Claims are accepted for a period of three months after delivery. We do not assume liability for installation, labor or consequential damages.
Beamera shall not be liable for any defects or losses suffered by buyer, including loss on operations, loss of profits or other indirect losses as a result of the defects, and consequently Beamera shall not compensate buyer for any of such loss.